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Pelvic Balance Physical Therapy Blog Posts

Minimalistic Footwear, Running, and How it Affects the Pelvic Floor

exercise running Jun 13, 2024

Ann is a 33-year-old who is a mom of 3. She originally sought out pelvic floor therapy to address urinary leakage that she was experiencing with coughing, sneezing, and running. She no longer experiences urinary leakage with these activities, which is wonderful! She plans to train for a half marathon and was wondering about the benefits of running with minimalist or...

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Aging and Strength Training

Betty is a 73-year-old woman who has experienced a challenging couple of years. She was a caretaker for her aging mother and then began to experience some persistent health problems that resulted in multiple doctors’ visits and a few hospitalizations. Over time, Betty has found that she is extremely tired from activities that she used to do with ease like...

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Is Exercise Important for Menopause?

Margaret is a 62-year-old woman who began experiencing a gradual decrease in strength over the past 5 years. She was able to compensate for a while until she began to notice urinary leakage with coughing and sneezing. After going to her primary care physician, Margaret was referred to physical therapy, specifically pelvic floor physical therapy. During her initial...

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Exercising While Pregnant – Should I or Shouldn’t I?

Mandy is a 30-year-old woman who is currently 5 weeks pregnant with her first child. While she is very excited about starting her family with her husband Nick, she is concerned about what she should and should not be doing for physical activity. Her mom has been encouraging her to rest as much as possible and cautioned her against her usual three times per week gym...

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