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Pelvic Balance Physical Therapy Blog Posts

Does birth control increase depression?

Chelsea is a 24-year-old female mother of one who has been using oral contraceptive (OC) since she was 15 years old. She has always experienced painful intercourse, so her gynecologist referred her to pelvic floor physical therapy. She has also struggled with depression for many years and is receiving mental health therapy. Chelsea has recently discussed stopping oral...

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Megan's Pelvic Floor Story

Megan, a 24-year-old mom of 3, was experiencing symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse including pressure and heaviness in the vagina. She started to experience these symptoms during the 2nd trimester of her 3rd pregnancy after feeling a vaginal bulge in the shower. At 7 weeks postpartum, she made an initial evaluation appointment at Pelvic Balance Physical Therapy because...

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What Should I Expect During A Pelvic Floor Evaluation?

Scheduling an appointment with a pelvic floor therapist can feel a bit daunting, especially when dealing with personal concerns like bladder leakage or urgency, bowel leakage or urgency, painful intercourse, or prolapse symptoms. Many people don’t know what to expect during their initial evaluation so here is an idea of how an evaluation at Pelvic Balance...

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Is vaginal hyaluronic acid a good option for vaginal dryness?

Zoe is a 35-year-old who gave birth to her first child about 6 months ago. She had a relatively smooth pregnancy and delivery; however, she has noticed vaginal dryness and pain with sex since reintroducing intimacy about 3 months ago. She went to the doctor who told her everything “looked fine” and that her symptoms are “normal” when...

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What is persistent genital arousal disorder/genito-pelvic dysesthesia and what can be done about it?

Amy is a 37-year-old female who is happily married with one child. Over the past 6 months, Amy has begun to experience some “irritation” in the pelvic region. She has specifically been having feelings of swelling, throbbing, and tingling in the clitoral area. She has gone for testing to make sure there is no sign of infection or irritation but every time...

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