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Pelvic Balance Physical Therapy Blog Posts

Can birth control cause painful vaginal insertion/intercourse?

Megan is a 23-year-old female who has been using oral contraceptive (OC) since she was 16 years old. She has always experienced painful intercourse, so her gynecologist referred her to pelvic floor physical therapy. She has recently discussed stopping oral birth control because she wants to “see what happens with her hormones” and was curious if her birth...

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Finding Balance: How Often Should We Have Sex?

Episode 20: How Often Should We Have Sex?

 Listen On Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sex-on-the-floor/id1579962246


 As a sex therapist and pelvic floor physical therapist, we often encounter individuals seeking guidance on how often they should engage in...

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Is vaginal hyaluronic acid a good option for vaginal dryness?

Zoe is a 35-year-old who gave birth to her first child about 6 months ago. She had a relatively smooth pregnancy and delivery; however, she has noticed vaginal dryness and pain with sex since reintroducing intimacy about 3 months ago. She went to the doctor who told her everything “looked fine” and that her symptoms are “normal” when...

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